Sunday, October 20, 2019

critically consider whether evidence justifies a distiction between STM and LTM essays

critically consider whether evidence justifies a distiction between STM and LTM essays Critically consider whether evidence justifies Memory is a working process that enables us to learn and benefit from past experience. There are three stages of process, registration, storage and retrieval. Some Psychologists have undertaken research to show there is a distinction between STM and LTM. Atkinson and Shiffrin introduced the Multi Store Model that supports the fact that the STM and the LTM are different. The LTM is a permanent store while the STM is only temporary. The Multi Store Model proposes that information must pass through the sensory store and the short term store before it can be transferred into the long term store and become part of a long term memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin propose to transfer information form the STm to the LTM rehearsal must be undertaken. The evidence that supports the Multi Store Model includes two component tasks, coding and braindamaged patients. Two component tasks involves asking subjects to remember a list of words and asking them to repeat them using free recall. In conclusion to the experiment it showed that subjects recall items form the end of the list first and get more of these right, this is known as the regency effect which is connected to recall from the STM. The experiment also showed that items form the start of the list are recalled quite well but not as well as those at the end of this list. This is known as the Primacy effect which is connected to recall from the LTM. However the experiment showed that the words in the middle of the list were those that the subjects remembered least of. Many Psychologists own experiments and theories support the Atkinson and Shiffrins idea of rehearsing, including Brown and Peterson who carried out an experiment giving subjects sets of three consonants to remember. They found that if the subjects were allowed to rehearse, the experiment was easy, ...

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